Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why Christianity? A 3-Part Blog to Investigate the Evidence

There have been several people put in my path, lately, that have had questions about their faith, the bible and what it means to be a Christian. I know it is not by chance or coincidence. I do not believe in that. I believe certain people are to be in your life if even for a short while and for some much longer. People different from us allow us to see things from a different perspective. This helps us to understand different beliefs, cultures, lifestyles and even political views. (and right now that is a hot topic).

Recently I was having lunch with a "new" friend and she started asking me deep and even deeper questions about being a Christian and understanding what the bible means. I am always careful to answer her questions as I do not want to give an opinion or wrong information. I also believe that many people shy away from answering questions about their faith because they fear they may get it wrong.

You cannot get it wrong if it is your faith journey or your testimony. One should not believe what they believe just because they were raised in a certain family or culture of beliefs. So, ask yourself, why do you believe what you believe. Have you ever thought about why you celebrate holidays? birthdays? vacations? going to church on Sundays? Many problems and challenges have risen out of parents disagreeing on Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy in what to teach their children. We believe what we were taught and what we were raised to believe.

So, what do you believe about your Christian faith? Have you ever investigated the evidence? Or asked, why Christianity? I have been blessed to have been a member of BSF or Bible Study Fellowship (bsf,org) for over 10 years, 5 of which have been as a discussion group leader where we receive additional training on not only biblical principles but how to shepherd and lead people from where they are at the moment to where they can grow to an understanding of  where they want to be and to become.

As I wrote in my first blog post, there is such power in your mind and what you believe. You become what you believe. What you hear. What you see. What you think about. I once heard it like this, "Garbage in. Garbage out." If you fill your hearts and minds with the truth you will know the truth.
But what is the truth when it comes to Christianity? Why are there so many different churches? Different bibles? Different sermons being preached? This can be very confusing, especially for a new believer. Do I get saved? Do I not get saved? Do I have to be baptized by immersion? Is sprinkling as an infant ok? Why pray? Does God really hear me?

Although I am not an "ordained" minister or have I ever been to theological seminary I am going to attempt to answer some of the difficult questions from what I have learned and studied over the years.
This will be a three part blog to dig deep into why Christianity and perhaps uncover why you believe what you do. We will investigate the evidence. And yes, faith, will come into play big time because there are things that cannot be explained. And yet, we, as Christian believers must begin to go deeper as to why we believe what we believe. Never to defend our faith but to depend on our faith,

Until next time, ask yourself? What does it mean to be a Christian? Why are you a Christian? Is the bible true? Who is Jesus? What about the Holy Spirit? What happens when I die? And much more.

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