Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Different Perspective on Body Fat

I found a most interesting article on where else, Pinterest, presented by

I was minimally aware of this, although since I have worked with hundreds of women's groups, over the years, I have always noticed that women do not carry fat on their bodies in the same way. And now I understand the differences. Read over the the 6 type of body fat to see which one might be yours. Then plan to do something about it. Be sure and share your knowledge and successes in the comment section We are here to learn about women's issues and concerns, but are also here to share and support one another in our efforts especially in retirement when things can surely spin out of control.

1. Obesity of food

This type is the most common type of obesity in the world. It happens because of excessive food intake and sugar. In order to solve this, reduce the food intake and exercise minimum 30 minutes a day.

2. Obesity “nervous stomach”

This type is caused by stress, anxiety and depression. Those people who have this type practiced frequent intake of sweets.

3. Gluten obesity

Usually present in women during menopause, adolescence and with the present hormonal imbalance. It is really important to avoid smoking, long sitting and alcohol, and to indulge exercises with weights.

4. Atherogenic metabolic obesity

Those people with stomach usually are swollen like a balloon, and they store all fat in this part of the body. From this type of obesity are affected those people who consume alcohol, suffer or have problems with breathing.

5. Obesity due to venous circulation

This is usually genetically inherited obesity. It happens in the course of pregnancy, and people who have swollen legs. The essence of the decision is exercises like climbing stairs and running.

6. Obesity of inactivity

This is type of obesity that affects those parts of the body that in the past have been very active, for example, they have been active with training and exercises.
The key to the removal of this type of fat is not to allow long periods without eating, because it can speed up the metabolism and burn them really faster.
For me, I will have to say, at this season in my life, I can relate most to number 6. Not paying attention to what I have been eating combined with inactivity will certainly make a difference. During a recent hip replacement this is certainly what has happened. Darn, I knew I was going to be wearing all that ice cream and ate it anyway. I generally do not even like ice cream. 
In my book, Faith Full Retirement, one of the chapters is: Your Health: How healthy are you from A to Z? Here is where I list a health tip from A to Z and yes, you guessed it, I is for ice cream only not in a good way. Actually ice cream is one of the worst foods you can eat: sugar, cream (not hormone free + animal fat) and loads of artificial color and preservatives. I knew better and now have to deal with it as I am certainly not going to contine wearing that fat. Stay tuned to how I will get rid of it again without losing muscle. It is my "go-to" plan whenever I have gotten out of control. And I was doing so well......hmmmmm....

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